Saturday, 1 March 2014

Plebgate and SuttonColdfieldgate and its cover-up: The role of Chief Superintendent Andy Tarrant

A few days ago, comments attributed to the former Police Constable Ian Richardson were published in The Times.

PC Richardson was present on 19th September 2012 in Downing Street when Plebgate had its genesis.

I have, for some time, been urging the Police and the IPCC to investigate the role of Police Federation officials in the Plebgate and SuttonColdfieldgate affairs.

Interestingly, in the statements he gave to the Times Ian Richardson also raises that issue.

He, it seems, wrote to the head of the Diplomatic Protection Group, Chief Superintendent Andy Tarrant and spoke with him, expressing his concerns about the role of Police Federation officials in the Plebgate aspect of the matter. It is unclear to me whether Mr. Richardson had also identified the role of Police Federation officials in the Midlands of England.

If what the Times reports regarding Mr. Richardson is true, then it seems to me that Chief Superintendent Tarrant has acted so as to conceal a conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office by Police Federation officials.

I view Chief Superintendent Tarrant's conduct as constituting gross misconduct with the effect of perverting the course of justice.

Yesterday, I wrote to Deputy Assistant Commissioner Patricia Gallan requesting that the Metropolitan Police Service record a "conduct matter" with respect to Chief Superintendent Tarrant and that the matter be referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, as required by Law.

The meat of the letter follows.

28th February 2014

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Patricia Gallan
Room 1806
New Scotland Yard

Dear Ms Gallan,

Plebgate and SuttonColdfieldgate:
Conduct matter
Chief Superintendent Andy Tarrant
Possible perversion of the course of justice / misconduct in public office

I write to ask that you record a conduct matter with respect to Chief Superintendent Andy Tarrant.

I believe that, in Law, you are required to record this conduct matter and to refer the conduct matter “without delay” to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

In The Times newspaper dated 12th February 2014 the following words appear:

“The following Monday, Mr Richardson asked to see the head of the Diplomatic Protection Group, Chief Superintendent Andy Tarrant, and delivered a letter raising concerns at the reporting, the behaviour of the federation and inaction of Met bosses. The superintendent told him there would be an inquiry into the leaks but no examination of what was or was not said in Downing Street.
When he offered his pocket book, with his notes of the incident, Mr Richardson was told: “Your notes are of no interest to anyone in this organisation.”

You will, I anticipate, be aware that “Mr. Richardson” was Ian Richardson, formerly a Police Constable in the Diplomatic Protection Group.

It seems to me that Chief Superintendent Tarrant has acted so as to conceal the truth about what I believe to be a Police Federation conspiracy to oust Andrew Mitchell MP from his job.

The perceived conspiracy has, as you know from previous correspondence, aspects relating to the Metropolitan Police Federation and to three Police Federations in the Midlands of England.

I view the perceived Police Federation conspiracy as constituting conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office.

For Chief Superintendent Tarrant to refuse to investigate the former PC Richardson’s concerns is, in my view, a gross dereliction of duty, raising the most serious concerns about Chief Superintendent Tarrant’s integrity and honesty.

In my opinion Chief Superintendent Tarrant’s misconduct constitutes one or both of the criminal offences of perversion of the course of justice and/or misconduct in public office.

That being the case I consider that you are required by Law to record a “conduct matter” and to make a referral to the IPCC.

Section 21(3) of the Police Reform Act 2002

I wish to be treated by the IPCC as an “interested person” and consent to being kept informed about the progress of the IPCC investigation.

Actions requested of you

I ask that you promptly acknowledge receipt of this letter and, as required by Law, record the conduct matter with respect to Chief Superintendent Tarrant and make a referral to the IPCC without delay

I do hope that on this occasion you will take the opportunity to comply with the applicable Law.

Yours sincerely

(Dr) Andrew Watt

cc Andrew Mitchell MP

1 comment:

  1. I have had some very strange personal dealings with andrew tarrant my self
